Guanajuato and more Guanajuato?

Tuesday and Wednesday was spend in Guanajuato on Integrate's Independence Trip. The view that Guanajuato is known for <3 We lef...

Tuesday and Wednesday was spend in Guanajuato on Integrate's Independence Trip.

The view that Guanajuato is known for <3

We left for Guanajuato on Monday night and arrived on Tuesday morning. We were given free time to walk around and we pretty much covered the main tourist sites in town in about 3 hours, lunch included. After which, we had a quick tour with a guide explaining everything in English, before heading back for dinner and then to witness the Mexico's Independence Day procession.

 The streets of Guanajuato. Its funny how every state cuts their trees the same way/or bothers to cut their trees the same way

 Our first stop during the free and easy was the Mercado Hidalgo, where I had a torta from this señor for just SGD$2

 Nearby was a building filled with shops like this, like a multistorey version of our kopitiam, except with less variety of food 

 A typical fruit stall in the market. We loveeeee getting juices at stalls like this, and they serve these fantastic milkshakes (eskimos) too 

 In all cities in Mexico, there will always be a mercado, that consist of shops selling fresh meat and vegatables, followed by shops selling food, and then there's the souvenir stalls. I love visiting the mercado, there's just so must to take in, buy, shop, taste

 After lunch, we explored the streets of Guanajuato

 One of the many plazas in Guanajuato

 Inside the city center's church. The chandeliers are simply amazing

 So much like Italy

 In every city, there is a Zocalo, like the central, where a park will be at.

 All the dogs here hate our guts out. 

 In one of the museum. Apparently Hidalgo is someone'name 

Day 2 was spend in San Miguel. Most of us were pretty tired by then, but we had just enough energy to explore most of the town and eat fantastic churros. San Miguel had lots of atas looking houses and I only just found out today that it is a popular retirement site for lots of Americans and Europeans. Idea no?

I love their tiles and how they pair it with bricks, concrete, ceramic <3

Check out this castleeeee! No, it's actually a church, but it's looks too fantastic to be one 

This shop, St Augustin sells one of the best churros, and chocolate drinks (Y)

Right opposite the churros shop is this church that we totally forgot to enter, cos we were too busy enjoying our churros, ahaha

 Every town has a mercado and of course we visited San Miguel's 

And as usual, we got our favourite fruit drinks, before heading to the adjoining street for some shopping <3

Overall, Guanajuato was great, but if given a choice I wouldn't have gone with Integrate again. It's $1590 pesos, and it came with

  • Transport to and fro Guanajuato and San Miguel 
  • Accoms for a night
  • Free t shirt 
  • A english guide for less than an hour 
  • An Independence Day party 
  • The journey should only take 6 hours, but we took 8 hours to pick up the other half of the group in Mexico City 
  • The bus ride was horrible because this particular group of french people just kept talking at 3am, and was drinking and playing games when we left for San Miguel the next day. Not to mention that they stank and we were that unlucky to sit just beside them both ways. 
  • The hotel we stayed in had no wifi in the room, and the toilet had no doorknob. The hole in the door was stuffed with tissue to cover the view
  • There was hardly any help in telling us where to visit in Guanajuato and San Miguel during the free and easy time. Only notes of some of the places to visit, with no map. Thank god I mapped most of the places on Triposo prior
To sum it up, I could probably pay the same price and would have gotten a faster and quieter trip there, better accommodation and still saw the same sights. Only thing I missed out would be the Independence Day festivity.

In October, Guanajuato has a month long of arts and culture festival - Cervantino, and I have the slighttttt urge to return then. But we'll see how it goes!

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