Food poisoning and frisbee tournaments

Last weekend, I had a bout of food poisoning which landed me in an ambulance, emergency ward for an hour, afterwhich I left for my team mate...

Last weekend, I had a bout of food poisoning which landed me in an ambulance, emergency ward for an hour, afterwhich I left for my team mate's house, before going to Tlaxcala for Mexico's 3rd CNU - sort of like a regionals frisbee tournament.

It's really not as bad as it sounds.

My stomach didn't feel well that morning but I thought it was just indisgestion and ignored it. But when I was at the bus stop, it really didn't feel well, and thankfully the busstop was just outside the main gate of UDLAP. I felt slightly dizzy and told the security guard, who called the ambulance from UDLAP's medical school, that took me to the school's emergency ward/clinic. It felt seriously overrated, when they took my blood pressure, temperature and blood level in the emergency ward. (First time I got my finger pricked!) The doctor gave me some pills, a prescription which I eventually threw away, cos I couldn't find the pharmacy and po chai wans were good enough, and out I went.

The ambulance ride was surprisingly fun. I had to keep reminding the paramedics to take my stuff though. 

Idk what all these are, but thankfully I didn't need any of them

The tournament went on really smoothly though. No tummy problems except towards the end when I ate too much.

Train tracks in Tlaxcala, on the way to the fields. The second time we passed the train tracks, there was a horn and we had to stop and wait for 3-5 mins for the train to pass. There's not gate or signal and drivers just gotta be alert. Hope my insurance covers train accidents ._.

I have totally forgotten the rush of adrenaline and excitement that comes with every frisbee tournament, and this was such a good reminder. The fact that the Lobas girls were really upbeat contributed to the overall feel-good factor of the tournament too.

The first game was physically hard though, with the air being thinner and me still unacclimatised. At half time I was coughing like an old man, cos my throat was just too dry. But I was ready by the second game and it was epic. The other team had a 38 years old player who had only played for 5 years (seriously?! joining ultimate at 33? RESPECT.) and she can run as fast/if not faster than most of the girls here. Her hucks were all on. point. And not to mention, she has the best spirit on field. I mean who celebrates their opponent's scores with you?! She does. She celebrates beautiful executed points in the spirit and love for ultimate. <3

Wherever ultimate goes, ultimate photography follows 

The epic layout score I did, woohoo. Self celebration. And #19 is the 38 year old player. Idk how she managed to catch up so fast when I sprinted deep really early. She's insanely fast. 

The rest of day 1 was spent watching the opens, and towards the end, freezing in the wind. I was so not prepared for the weather. It was probably 12 degrees celcius, but with the wind, my pinky was going numb. I only had a long sleeved jersey, a sweater, and a rain jacket. It was nothing to the Mexicans though.

The women's team that I'm playing with is a club in the local university - BUAP, and they are called Lobas. The men's team from the same university are the Lobos, featured here. 

The weather in the day ain't too bad. It's as hot and almost as humid as Singapore. But night time is just crazy. 

The night was then spent at the house of one of the girl's we played. It was a last minute decision because the driver was too tired/high to drive back. This has gotta to be my most hobo experiences ever. I literally had to wear the same clothes for the whole tournament. The girl stayed alone and was so nice to lend her place out to 10 of us. Dinner was pizza and beer (none for my churning stomach) and a birthday celebration for one of the guys. I remembered being taught Salsa before crashing in the bed, and subsequently joined by 3 other girls. Squashed, like sardines. I don't know what time the others partied till, but they must have a portable battery, because the guys all had 5 games that day, and each lasted at least an hour.

No food tastes as good as pizza after a tournament. Not even my churning stomach rejected it.

The birthday boy and one of my Lobas teammates! They dance well. Just like all other Mexicans with Salsa. 

The morning after. That's Erin, a girl from Texas that came to work in Mexico. We joined the team at about the same time and I'm so glad for her company. And help in translating all the spanish that everyone is saying. 

Day 2 of the tournament was great. We arrived just in time to start the game without warming up and won the team that eventually claimed first in the tournament. That's how round robin works I guess. The highlight was the rest of the day was the mens finals. Avalon vs Xalaperos. Both teams will be playing in PAUC in Cancun too. They played in the wind, rain and there were lots of skys, dives and epic hucks.

Featuring Yeni, and awesome cutter, and the annoying baby cactus plants that hooks onto everything and pricks your butt when you sit down. 

I was surprisingly awarded MVP. It's crazy, when there are so many great players out there too. But I ain't complaining. 

The journey back to Puebla was surprisingly fast, or perhaps it was because I was knocked out tired, and that concluded the end of my most reckless weekend yet.

PS: mum and dad, if you're reading this, this is just part of the exchange and growing up. I'm learning to take care of myself and sometimes I slip up, but I have lots of friends here that will take care of me. Don't worry! <3

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