Calakmul - Of Virgin Pyramids and Mosquitos

The pyramids and the bio reserve forest was amazing. So was the guide. Though I did panicked at 7.40am when the guide was supposed to pick ...

The pyramids and the bio reserve forest was amazing. So was the guide. Though I did panicked at 7.40am when the guide was supposed to pick me up but was still not here. Turns out Xpujil adjusted to daylight savings hour and so it was actually 6.40am. Which meant I woke up at 5.40am. This time adjustment thing is so confusing ._.

Regardless, the guide came at 7.30am (Xpujil) time and we set off to pick up the rest of the group and then to the reserve. 

It took about 2 hours in total, 1 hour to get to the Calakmul reserve and another hour to drive through the reserve to get to the pyramids. Unlike most pyramids I’ve been to, Calakmul hasn’t been totally excavated and there are still lots of treasured buried under, that has yet to be found. And the archeologists have left most of the trees in its place, preserving the awe that the first explorers must have felt when they realised what was within the forest. 

 The first stop was the museum that displayed fossils of extinct animals found at the Calakmul region

The guide also explained a lot about the types of animals and plants one can find within the reserve and how the reserve is actually the second largest forest after the Amazon. It spreads from Campeche, Mexico into Guatemala, where Tikal, under Mayan ruin site, is located. 

Although Calakmul didn’t have as many preserved stelas and masks, because most of it were stolen it was still amazing to walk through the sites and watch the peaks peaking through the thick canopy, from the top of the pyramids. 

 The first structure we visited. Doesn't the moss covered ground look beautiful? <3 I wonder if it would be possible to have it at home ahaha

 The climb up. After numerous climbs with pyramids, experience have taught me that criss cross is the best way and never stop, cos you'll lose momentum

 From the first structure, we could see the other higher pyramids peaking out from the canopy 
 omg the wind ):

 There are lots of stelas found at the Calakmul site. But unfortunately, most of the have been robbed. Before the area went under protection, many robber came and cut of the front of the stelas, leaving it standing bare. The saddest part if, glyphs were scripted at the sides of the stelas too. When they cut off the front, the left half the glyphs on the side, making it impossible to decipher what it means now.

 The whitest glyph in the middle of the pyramid is believed to be dedicated to a women that is a family to the ruler. It's nice that females are equally respected in the ancient times. 

 And i was just standing at the other pyramid a while ago!

The guide also pointed out lots of animals along the way and the whole experience made me feel like I am part of the community of archeologist still uncovering the secrets and treasures of Calakmul. One thing that really dampened the experience was the number of mosquito bites I got. I regretted wearing a tank top out, but I had no other clean sleeved shirts ): In the car on the way back, I got yet another bite on my upper lip. Like, en serio?! 

Apparently the Calakmul ruins was an accidentally discovery, attributed to chewing gum. Chewing gum is believed to have originated from Mexico and while farming the sap from the chewing gum tree, the ruins were discovered. 

This frog was skipping cross the path when we came by. We were told that we are not allowed to touch frogs or the other amphibians if we sprayed insect repellent, because it will be absorbed by their skin and might be toxic. The person holding the frog in the photo is the our guide! Idk why he doesn't have any bites, despite not having sprayed any repellent ):

Spotted a turkey during the drive through the reserve into the ruins. It's so colourful and unlike the turkeys I normally see on the farms though. This is one of the most common animal sighted throughout the whole trip.

Lunch marked the end of the trip. We had fruits and huge sandwiches, with soft drinks before heading back to the main town in Xpujil. 

Saturday, 21 Nov, 6pm: 
Currently, I’m stuck waiting for the bus to Chetumal, because this is a small town and there are limited buses going everywhere. I reckon I would only arrive in Chetumal at 8.45pm, and there I would need to catch a direct bus to Tulum, if not a collectivo to Capillo then Tulum. Likely to only arrive at the hostel at 11pm or later. #travelerwoes

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