My Last Week in Mexico

Today's my last day in Puebla. Tomorrow morning I will be headed to Mexico City to spend the night before flying out of this beautiful c...

Today's my last day in Puebla. Tomorrow morning I will be headed to Mexico City to spend the night before flying out of this beautiful country.

The dog next door that is always waiting for someone to play with it ): I will miss it too

It has been bittersweet.

Last Wednesday and Thursday, I traveled to a local high school at the outskirts of Puebla under Emilio's invitation and spoke to 5 classes of students about speaking English and Singapore.

 Emilio invited me along with his English students

After the talk, the students brought me to a roof where one can see the view of the town 

On thursday, I also had my last frisbee game, with the Talaveros and afterwards we had tacos at the team's favourite place.

I took my last paper, Spanish, in UDLAP on Friday, and joined the Talaveros for home made burgers and multiple rounds of Dominions at night.

 Last time in UDLAP! 

 Burgers by Rey and Mariel's improvised christmas tree

Disc with the team <3

On Saturday, I took a day trip to Tecali. Getting there was alot harder than I thought. In the end, I took 2.5 hours to get there, spent an hour around town and went back to Puebla downtown to hunt for winter accessories.

 Christmas flowers are blooming already!

 The town is famous for the onix too, and I bought a candle holder here

 Afterwhich, I returned to Puebla downtown and visited the famous Capilla del Rosario iglesia. It was always closed when I passed by, but I finally got lucky today.

On Sunday, I spent the whole day planning the U.S. itinerary, before meeting some of the lobas girls at night for a drink. We ended up spending an hour, just walking around the zocalo to find an open bar. I'm glad we did actually, because the christmas lights looked spectacular at night.

On Monday, I spent the whole day planning for U.S. again, before heading to Edith's house to celebrate Posada, a Navidad tradition. It was the last time I saw any of the frisbee people too, and it felt bittersweet.

 Apparently it's a tradition to pack candies and snacks for everyone

 And to drink poncho too, a punch that is made by boiling all sorts of tropical fruits together. It's really yummy and great for cold days

 The foosball table was the main attraction of the night

 Finally, we brought out the song book

 Everyone grabbed a candle and we all went out to find a house to sing to

In the end there were no open gates, so we split into half and one half sang from outside and the other half sang the reply inside

 And then we had to rock the baby. Erin and I had the honours of doing so, though we didn't know what was happening half the time

 And finally, time to tackle to pinata! 

I didn't have much luck with it, ahaha

Rosa actually came back just in time, and I'm so glad we managed to meet, cos we beat everyone's ass at foosball. Well, almost everyone's. 

Edmundo brought lots of sparklers and bombs too. It's too much fun and noise and sparks for me though ahaha

Today, I packed and sent my clothes for the laundromat. Just came back from lunch with the Singapore guys and Moi.

Second and last time I'm getting Soupa de Mariscos! 

Been feeling kind of bittersweet the whole week. The house has been getting emptier and emptier as people left for holidays. I've been bidding farewells the whole week too. I feel like I've built a second home here already. A familiar group of friends, a set of routine, and suddenly, I have to leave. It's only been 4+ months, but I've really bonded with the Lobas and the Talaveros and sometimes I forget I have just met them a few months ago. And it's so strange, how close I feel to everyone, even though I barely speak Spanish, and when we never actually spent THAT much time together.

I guess the quality of the time spent with all these wonderful people really made the difference. And even though I'm leaving already, I can't help but feel that I would see them all again. That I would be back in Puebla, back to this community.

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