DIY Morsecode Bracelet (Adapted from Honestly WTF)

This DIY caught my eye and I couldn't resist trying it out, given that I already had all the necessary materials. There were some steps...

This DIY caught my eye and I couldn't resist trying it out, given that I already had all the necessary materials. There were some steps I couldn't follow as I didn't have the tools, but I improvised and I'm sure this version is easier to craft!

2014-12-27 16.44.13

Materials needed: 

  1. Embroidery thread

  2. A single thread

  3. Beads (3 colours - Gold is a bonus!)

  4. UHU super glue

  5. Scissors

2014-12-27 16.09.21




1: Fold the single thread into half and use UHU to glue the ends. Feel free to use other type of glue, as long as it hardens when dry. Here, I'm trying to use the single thread in replacement for the wire beading needle Honestly WTF used.

2: Thread the embroidery thread through the single thread needle

3: String the bead into the single thread needle

4, 5 & 6: Push the bead down into the embroidery thread

7: String the beads according to the morse code pattern created here. I used gold beads for the dashes and coloured beads for the dots, alternating the colours for alternate words.

8: When you have stringed enough beads, cut the embroidery thread and string the 2 ends into the single thread needle

9: String a bead through to "close" the bracelet.

10: Tie a double dead knot on the end of the embroidery thread

11: String a bead through, it will be blocked by the double die knot tied in step 10. Secure it with another double dead knot after stringing it through.

12: Repeat step 10 and 11 for the other end of the embroidery thread and cut off the excess

& tadah! (featuring my misfit flash :D)

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