Mexico City, Part 2, Alone and falling in love with Art

(I need to quickly blog and keep up to date about my travels before I forget everything!) On Saturday when Paty left, I was left to explor...

(I need to quickly blog and keep up to date about my travels before I forget everything!)

On Saturday when Paty left, I was left to explore Mexico City on my own, and it's thrillingly liberating. There is a small panic in me when Paty's mum dropped me off at the metro, and I realised I have completely no clue how the metro functions. But Singapore has taught me well. I spotted a queue, and when in doubt, just queue. Turns out its for the train tickets, which costs less than $0.50 each time one enters the station, regardless of the distance. With that, my adventures began!

First stop was Chapultepec, where the famous Anthropology museum and Chapultepec Castle was. I immediately got lost when I exited the station and took the wrong turn. Thank god for triposo and offline GPS.

 First stop was the Chalputepec castle!  

 The castle is free for students, which means I get to skip the long queue waiting to get the tickets! I love being an exchange student here <3 

 Just as grand as the castles in Italy

 I don't know why, but this mural reminds me of Harry Potter 

 The Anthropology museum is the next stop! It's located in the same area, around 20 mins walk away from the castle. 

 Likewise, free entry for students again! There is a photography charge, and like most places, they aren't super diligent with stopping people who didn't purchase the photography pass from taking photos

 This museum is enormousssss

 It has 3-4 huge galleries on each side of the building, each one on different themes, though all the themes are central around art, culture and history in mexico

 Just look at all the artefacts it houses! This one is the famous 'Aztec Calendar' 

 It has minatures of the pyramids and ancient sites found all over Mexico, in its outdoor parks too. Totally saves one the energy of scaling those pyramids, ahaha 

 After the museum, I popped over to the zoo for a little while, and on the way passed by the lakes. Made me miss my family alittle, wished they could be here chilling with me, by the lake 

When iron man lifts his mask, he really looks like Robert Downey Jr. lol

The whole time I tried so hard to conserve my phone's juice because I lost my portable charger. Though I highly suspect the easytaxi driver, cos I left my bag (no valuables, except the portable charger) in his car when I went into the house to get change. Yes, cabbies here always have no change, just so that they can charge you more.

The next stop after Chapultepec area was the rich district, where the glamorous hangs out. I took an uber there, because not bus routes ran there, walking was too far and taxis were dangerous. It costs a little less than SGD$4.

The area is obviously a richer neighbourhood, but it is not flamboyant. Instead, most of the apartments are nicely furnished to blend in with the nature and greenery in Mexico City, with a little Japan vibe? Otherwise, it's really similar to condominiums in Singapore. FYI: Mexico City is really a green city, with just a little more of a green touch to it, compared to Singapore. It's hard to believe, I know!

The main objective of getting to this area, was for this - the Soumaya Museum. And believe it or not, entry is actually free.

 The museum reminds me alot of the Art, Science Museum in Singapore, because of the unique architecture. But this building is actually built alot earlier than the Art Science Museum, and it still looks really modern

 It houses a lot more levels than our Art Science Museum too. Tourists that have been to Singapore's must have been rather disappointed when they compare it to this one. 

 And it it was among these exhibits that I realised, I actually like art exhibits alot. Alot more than cultural ones too. 

Next to the Soumaya Museum was the Jumex Museum, which was not free, and although very atas and had very good guards that would take the trouble to give an explanation on the exhibits, feel short in the amount of content they had. There was only one exhibit on display and that came across as really disappointing when I have just finished at the Soumaya Museum. 

And that was the end of day 2. Solo female travellers should always get back to their lodging/familiar area when nightfalls. 

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