The weekend before school starts (part 2)

On Sunday, a couple of us went cycling around Cholula. We slept in till noon, had breakfast/lunch before heading out. This was the rout...

On Sunday, a couple of us went cycling around Cholula. We slept in till noon, had breakfast/lunch before heading out.

This was the route we took. It is approximately 15km, and took us about 3 hrs to complete. 

 There were lots of private residential areas along the way. Each area were guarded by security guards, like the condos in Singapore. 

 Along the way, we passed by this atas supermarket and couldn't resist stopping to take a look. There were lots of american brands and definitely the prices are higher than Walmarts. 

 We had a small chat with the mexican working the seafood counter. He is one of the few locals whom we met, that could converse in english. When we ask where he learnt english from, he said that he used to work in a restaurant run by Jews and had to speak english to converse with his boss. 

 Spotted this scooby dooby like vehicle outside the supermarket

 Throughout the trip, we kept getting glimpse of this church, that could never be reached. We asked for directions, but it turned out to be wrong. Hoping to take another day out to locate this elusive church again. 

At night, one of the guys cooked curry chicken and we had it with video highlights of the ndp playing in the background. Throughout the dinner, we sang along to the songs and played videos about Singapore and Lee Kuan Yew to the rest of the people who were interested and joined in our celebrations. Most of the people tried the durian sweets I brought and one of the Singaporeans gave out Singapore souvenir keychains. 

There was the sense of pride that I felt from sharing about Singapore and I felt lucky to be in Singapore, when some of them shared that their country don't value national day celebration as much, and when they do not celebrate national day. The germans' national day is particularly interesting, where the citizens do not have any celebration or festivity, because their national day marked the end of the WW2, an event that was partly caused by them. It marked the day they fell and it is not a day of celebration, but rather a day for remembrance and reflection. As a result, they don't have a day where the whole nation come together to celebrate, and I find it a shame. 

Although I do wish I was in Singapore enjoying the long weekend with friends and family, this experience is still something unique and one I would cherish. 

Stephanie sun in the background! 

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