How I made it so far

I've finally arrived in Mexico! Getting to Mexico itself is an adventure already. Can't wait to meet new friends and try to local fo...

I've finally arrived in Mexico! Getting to Mexico itself is an adventure already. Can't wait to meet new friends and try to local food for the next few days!

Here's how I made it through to arriving in Mexico!

1. Checking in at the Airport

Nobody told me I need to apply for ESTA when going to the states ): Fortunately it is a quick and easy process that can be done on the phone here: It lasts for 2 days and is just USD$14.

But, I ended up at this site instead: , which charged me USD$87
and had pages and pages of info to fill in. This is basically a third party agent site that is trying to rip off people like me.

It was only after I submitted and nothing got received on the airline side for 10 mins, did the lady check with her supervisor for the right website. And, so I was the last person to check in at the counter.

Barely had time to say proper goodbyes ):

2. Flying

I timed my sleep on my plane to regulate my body clock as much as possible to my destination's. Everything went well, except that I couldn't sleep at the last leg of the journey. Which made me really really tired when I arrived in Mexico, cos I couldn't sleep just to make sure I slept through the night when night came.

Another issue while flying was also the absence of the charging point on the plane for all the flights. Thank god for the portable charger (thanks ed <3) and charging point at San Fran.

Hygiene was a problem too. I can't believe I went 30 hrs without bathing (hehe). But I'm so glad I brought my toothbrush along in my handcarry. And I'm thoroughly disappointed that the plane does not have toothpaste, though it was easily purchased at the airport.

3. Time difference 

Omg. I'm such a klutz. I missed the "(+1)" on my itinerary and never discovered that I will only land in Mexico City on 3 Aug, instead of 2 Aug, until I reached San Fran. I had to frantically apologise to my Airbnb host, who never bothered to reply me ): even I still paid her all the same.

4. The San Fran layover! 

Upon landing in San Fran, clearing the customs took longer than expected, but overall I still managed to get back to the airport by 9pm.

The streets surrounding Powell Station was such a nice surprise. Lots of well known clothing stores fitted into western buildings and it felt like the New York region in USS came to live. There were lots of tourist around and homeless people too, which made everything overwhelming for awhile.

Unfortunately the queue for the cable bus was too long, and I ended up taking the F bus instead, which still ran on electrical wire. The bus was pretty crowded and warm compared to the weather outside and it was really a relief to finally drop off at Pier 39. Pier 39 was filled with lots of tourist gift shops and restaurants. It's a giant tourist trap, that is definitely worth a visit. I managed to see sealion sun bathing and walked to the other piers to catch the whiff of chowder in bread bowls and seagulls dominating the roads.

The trip back to the airport was easier now that I got the roads and bus figured out. Though I think I got a culture shock when I realised I was sitting squashed next to a lesbian couple cosying on the bus. It was also disappointing when I got rejected when asking for change to purchase the bus tickets. The ang moh replied with a tone that implied I might steal his money if he took out his change. But the asian bus driver was kind enough to accept whatever loose change I had, and this made me feel connected to the rest of the asians I met that day.

5. Changing currencies

Back at San Fran airport, I regretted not approaching the money changer outside the gates, because the one in the departure hall run out of pesos. I ended up changing money within the baggage collection area in Mexico City Airport and their exchange rate is so far off from the money exchange shops right outside, in the arrival halls. #majorheartpain

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